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Bhumis Vänner/Friends of Bhumi (Sweden)

Friends of Bhumi is an non-profit organisation with the purpose of supporting the spreading of ethical animal husbandry and self-sufficient organic food production according to permaculture principles. The organisation is propagating the concept of plain living and high thinking, combining a natural, sustainable and healthy lifestyle with yoga, meditation and spiritual practices. In this way we help people to attain and maintain both physical and mental health s well as spiritual harmony in their lives. As a community we are part of the ancient old bhakti tradition of India, which contains a deep respect for mother Earth and mother Cow as well as solidarity to alla living beings. Our knowledge and practises of spirituality is based on the classic wisdom literatures of ancient India. 

Examples of regular activities, besides care for cows and horses and organic food production, are developing handicraft skills, waste management and recycling, production of energy, yoga and meditation, setting up and running small community businesses, like self-employment for personal maintenance.
We interact with neighbours, the local municipality government, the Farmer's Markets, the local beekeeping association and some supermarkets (for minimizing food waste). 

The activities are run by volunteers under the direction of the couple, Emiilia and Eric, who own the farm. 

The activities of receiving ethical animal husbandry and permaculture gardening has been going on since 2016, and so far we have hosted over 150 volunteers from all over the world. They have brought home memories, knowledge and experiences for life, and some made friends for life. Our experience in having hosted 150+ volunteers from all over the world ranges from planning and organising, matching volunteers' expectations for learning and using skills, catering for different needs of diet, accomodations, allergies etc, conflict management, role distribution, resolving solidarity issues, helping with travel arrangement and language training, sometimes helping with finding employment in Sweden. We have established a culture of mutual respect and openmindedness, fairness and loyalty in the daily dealings with one another. So far most of our volunteers have come from the programme. 

The work mentor, head instructor and coordinator is Emiilia Olausson, co-owner of the farm. She is a landscape architect and certified permaculture teacher. Emilia has worked as a project manager at the County Administrative Board, the Swedish Forest Agency and Region Skåne. She served as project coordinator and has been a board member of Leader Lundaland. Emiilia directs one or two senior volunteers who arrange introduction to new volunteers and shadowing so that they can quickly get into different services. 

Eric Eriksson, the other co-owner of the farm, helps with purchase and planning. He has an M.Sc. in Electro Engineering from Chalmers, a B.Sc. in Psychology and a B.Sc. in Natural Sciences. Eric has worked with leadership development for CEOs, executive teams and municipal managers, and served several years as a student councelor in upper secondary school. He is currently working with developing and running a web-based business management system for ISO 9001 Quality Management, ISO 14001 Environmental Management and ISO 45001 Work Environment Management. He has solid knowledge of quality survey and assessment design. 

The social mentor is Marie-Anne Jurelius, a senior lady with a lot of experience from parish work, student counceling and teaching in schools. When required, she can request general professional guidance by Eric Eriksson.


Bhumis Vänner


The work mentor, head instructor and coordinator is Emiilia Olausson,

co-owner of the farm. She is a landscape architect and certified permaculture teacher. Emilia has worked as a project manager at the County Administrative Board, the Swedish Forest Agency and Region Skåne. She served as project coordinator and has been a board member of Leader Lundaland. Emiilia directs one or two senior volunteers who arrange introduction to new volunteers and shadowing so that they can quickly get into different services. 

Eric Eriksson, the other co-owner of the farm, helps with purchase and planning. He has an M.Sc. in Electro Engineering from Chalmers, a B.Sc. in Psychology and a B.Sc. in Natural Sciences. Eric has worked with leadership development for CEOs, executive teams and municipal managers, and served several years as a student councelor in upper secondary school. He is currently working with developing and running a web-based business management system for ISO 9001 Quality Management, ISO 14001 Environmental Management and ISO 45001 Work Environment Management. He has solid knowledge of quality survey and assessment design. 

The social mentor is Marie-Anne Jurelius, a senior lady with a lot of experience from parish work, student counceling and teaching in schools. When required, she can request general professional guidance by Eric Eriksson.

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