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Food For Life Global (Slovenia)

Food For Life (FFL) Global was founded in 1995 and is currently based in Slovenia to serve as the headquarters and coordinating office for Food for Life projects worldwide. We are present in Kamnik and Ljubljana, participating in local events and organising our own. In Kamnik we partner with Kotlovnica (, a youth and culture centre, one of the main organizers of Kamfest festival (, held in August. In Ljubljana we work together with our affiliate Hrana za zivljenje, local Slovene organisation.

Food for Life volunteers come from all walks of life. Food for Life Global and it’s worldwide network of affiliates are non-sectarian and non-discriminating. Everyone is welcome to participate in our

community projects. Food for Life Global’s slogan is: UNITING THE WORLD THROUGH PURE FOOD

Food for Life Global pursues its mission by providing organizational and operating support to Food for Life’s healthy vegan/vegetarian hunger relief programs.

Specifically, Food for Life Global assists

these humanitarian efforts by:

In its purest form, food has the innate ability to break down barriers and heal body, mind and soul. Food for Life therefore serves only the purest of food—food that is devoid of animal suffering, prepared with love and served with love. Furthermore, recognizing that the ultimate solution to the problem of hunger is the elimination of poverty, Food for Life not only provides direct food distribution services, but also addresses, through its affiliate programs, such diverse but related issues as education, environmental health and sustainability, animal welfare, and health care. Food for Life Global’s mission flows from its core values of charity and respect for all living things; its services, therefore, are provided without regard to race, creed, color, religion, sex, community, or nationality.

We can provide our good practice through the case studies of projects which we have successfully concluded as well as the ongoing projects.

We are working on education project sponsored by Slovenian government –


The center of this project is national WEB SITE for promoting healthy, practical and at the same affordable recipes for delicious treats. At our advance meetings other participants of planned conference have shown a serious interest in this project and during the conference there will be presentation dedicated to this program. Our aspiration is to share our experience with other organizations engaged in similar activities while at the same time to learn how to upscale our project learning from our partners.

We are in the need of receiving the experience of good practice from other organizations working in the same area of social work which we are doing presently.

Homem que sorri

Aleš Erbežnik

President of FFL Global

Aleš Erbežnik is president of FFL Global and experienced youth worker. In January of 2014 we already successfully hosted in Ljubljana two youth workers from “Zelsirdibas Misija Dzivibas Ediens” as part of EU program “Youth in Action 4.3, Job Shadowing.

During organisation and implementation of this job shadowing in 2014, we have developed a close working relationships between us and our partners in Latvia and how to conduct a successful job shadowing project. This experience has given us competences to prepare the Food4Peace Job Shadowing nicely and with quality planning.

Saša Četkovič, project manager and up to 3-5 volunteers regularly helping with ongoing tasks and practical issues. Other staff is situated all over the world, working remotely. Each person in the core staff is responsible for one or more of our departments (International projects, Food processing, Business partnership, Education, Volunteering).

The project leaders are tasked with running the different projects , the types of tasks include initiating, tracking, planning and delivering the projects, networking with groups connected to the work with Food for Life Global. Project manager is involved in managing our database, media platforms and communications. The volunteers help in marketing, database management and event management.

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