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KA1: Volunteering abroad

Image by Naassom Azevedo

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Erasmus+ Volunteering Activities help young people travel abroad to participate in volunteering projects. Erasmus+ is one of the of the EU funding programmes supporting volunteering activities within the European Solidarity Corps Initiative.
By also being part of the European Solidarity Corps, you join the community of likeminded young people who are contributing to create a more inclusive and united society.

As a volunteer, you commit yourself to the work of an organisation abroad. Volunteering projects can involve many different kinds of activities in areas such as youth work, cultural activities, social care or environmental protection. You volunteer on an unpaid and full-time basis.
What you have achieved and learned through volunteering is certified Europe-wide via the YOUTHPASS recognition tool. You will also get a European Solidarity Corps certificate of participation at the end of your service.
Volunteering activities last a minimum of 2 weeks and a maximum of 12 months. Volunteers are 17 to 30 years old. As a volunteer you will be provided with accommodation, board and any local transport that you may need. You will also receive pocket money. All volunteers are covered by insurance during their time abroad.


Learn more about volunteering:

Useful information and material for organizations who would like to apply for volunteer service within Erasmus+:

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