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Krishnabevaegelsen/ISKCON (Dernmark)

The ISKCON center in Vanløse is part of the non-profit organization ISKCON Denmark which is a part of the global International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). It is a center of vedic culture and philosophy with the purpose to spread values ​​and knowledge and help people live a healthier and more meaningful existence based on India's classic Veda texts (hence 'Vedic').

The center has existed since 1979 and has as its target group the general population. Our activities are open to everyone. Several hundred people participating in the temple’s activities that are taking place on a regular basis. These include temple ceremonies, yoga and meditation classes, vegetarian cooking classes, festivals, teaching Vedic philosophy, training in classical Vedic music, personal counseling and even courses in organic gardening in connection with the temple's organic colony garden.

The temple, which is run by a group of resident monks as well as students who receive education, food and lodging in return for their participation, acts as an asrama that can almost be translated as 'monastery'. Life in the asrama is simple, disciplined and regulated and is usually a rich experience and experience that a person brings with him for the rest of his life. In addition to a wealth of practical, concrete knowledge, participants in the asrama life learn self-restraint, inner peace and contentment, healthy habits, healthy eating, tolerance of others and acting selflessly. Of course, such a life is a gift for anyone who wants to develop their personal character, which is why there are also some young people who find it attractive and would like to try to live like this for a shorter or longer period. Therefore, the temple has almost always a few or more students living there, often from other places in Europe or the rest of the world. They participate in temple life on an equal footing with regular residents, help wherever they can, and be trained and educated at the same time.

The center was founded in 1979 and has since then worked in the field of youth workers. In the ESC context it is relevant that over the years we have had hundreds of volunteers from Denmark, Europe and other continents. We have helped hundreds of people give up drugs, live a healthy life, overcome depression, give up suicidal thoughts and find respectable ways of life. We have had regular education for residents as well as outsiders since the temple started in 1979. We have distributed more than a million books in Denmark on yoga, healthy lifestyle and vegetarianism. We started one of the country's first vegetarian restaurants and see ourselves as a contributing factor to the wide appreciation of yoga and vegetarianism in today's Denmark. We communicate and collaborate with other European communities that are Erasmus-verified and arrange youth mobility projects in the context of the ESC.




Leif Asmark Jensen has been an important person for ISKCON Denmark since its inception in 1979. He has served as general manager for years and today serves as secretary and advisor. He is the author and publisher of several books, including through Gyldendal (oldest and largest Publishing House in Denmark), on agriculture, Hindu philosophy, vegetarian cooking, archaeology and natural history. He is an experienced teacher and sought-after speaker with more than 1000 lectures under his belt. He is also a skilled farmer and has a well-kept garden where he teaches organic farming.


Jakob Gunder Eriksen has been a resident monk of the center since 2012. As a daily guide, he teaches young people in the temple and gives lectures at colleges in Denmark. He is a trained yoga teacher and author of a small book on self-discipline. His top skills are self-discipline, meditation, mindfulness, healthy lifestyle and Vedic philosophy. He also serves as a guide for volunteers and students.


Mads Frederik Riis Madsen has lived as a monk in the temple since 2016. He has studied traditional Chinese medicine and teaches healthy living as well as holds vegetarian cooking classes. He furthermore assists Leif in his agricultural education and acts as a supervisor for volunteers and students.


Mikkel Thodberg has lived as a monk in the temple since 2018. Together with Mads, he is responsible for the temple's kitchen, arranges festivals and teaches cooking. He is a trained craftsman and helps maintain the organization's facilities as well as meets the needs of the volunteers and trainees.

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