Among the many valuable methods of preserving vegetables and fruits, we are bringing you today three recipes for a delicious drink like elderflower syrup as well as tasty foodstuff like green bean and sour cherry preserves in order to show you some examples of the magnificent methods of veggie and fruit preserves.
Elderflower Syrup
Only elderflower picked from elder tree can be used in the processing.
Mix 2 litre of water with 15-20 pieces of elderflower (if the flowers are neat and clean there is no need to wash), plus 2 lemons cut into slices.
Let it soak for two days in a cool place covered with a thin cloth, so it can ventilate.
Meanwhile, we should stir it a couple of times and after it has to be filtered through a fine sieve.
When that is ready we should brew it with 2 kilos of sugar and 50 grams of citric acid for a short time, then bottle it and put a lid on properly.
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Preserving Green Beans
One should use tender, crispy pods. Wash the beans first, snip off and discard the ends, and if needed, wash again.
After put them in boiling water and parboil them for about 2-3 minutes merely (the beans should be taken out from the water when springy, meaning they are neither hard, nor soft), then drain the prepared pieces.
Do not cut the pods into many pieces, but into half at the most, as the cutting surface considerably increases the loss of nutrients, and especially that of vitamins.
Using salt and lemon prepare a liquid from the previously used water for pre-boiling.
Add 1 spoonful of salt and 1 spoonful citric acid to 3 litres of cooking liquid.
Meanwhile, put the beans into preserving jars approximately to three-quarters of a jar and then pour the lukewarm liquid onto the beans.
Covering the jars with lids is the best way to get to the last part of preserving, but one has to be careful to wipe the sealing surface of the jars with a clean, damp cloth.
Then add the lids and for the pressure process use a large size pot on the bottom of which one should put clean kitchen-cloth or thick paper.
After putting the jars into the pot, put 2 inches of warm water in it.
Cover the pot and boil the water slowly, until it gets frothy.
We keep that temperature for 20 minutes.
After the pressurizing, leave the jars in the water to cool down and take them out only
when the water gets cool.
Preserving Sour Cherry without Sugar
Use only flawless fruit.
If necessary, pick over the cherry and then wash it thoroughly.
Pick off the stem, pit the fruit.
Then wash it again with cold water and put them into scalded jars.
Close the jars properly.
Then use the pressure process for 15 minutes and take it out from water only when it cools down.
The same preserving procedure can be used for apricot, plum and tomato. If we leave tomatoes in boiling water for a few minutes, then the skin can be easily peeled off.