Radhadesh ASBL (Belgium)
Radhadesh is a non-profit organization founded in 1979. It is based in the Château de Petite Somme – community and facilities are spread over 47 hectares. We are trying to raise awareness of young people on importance of introducing positive change, building peace, tolerance, unity, responsible behaviour, revitalization of the value system, as well as fight against modern diseases (stress, addiction, depression and etc.). Methods include Yoga, Meditation, Healthy lifestyle, Education, Ecofarming and Kirtan-yoga (Congregational chanting). Radhadesh hosts a community of about 100 members (45% youths and children, 55% others) who on a voluntary basis develop new ideas, are engaged in existing projects and help maintain and update them. Moreover, there are guided tours, on a yearly basis about 20.000 visitors (tourists, youths, students, artists, spiritual seekers, learners, teachers and volunteers) are served. In 2015, during the activities which we have organized individually, in total per year 4000 participants (55% were youths and children) and users of our services and activities from various social and cultural backgrounds. Our key activities, where we get many participants from all over BENELUX, are the following two yearly events. The kirtan festival in Radhadesh, Belgium has developed from 150 youths from 5 countries in 2009 up to more than 1200 in 2016 from more than 50 countries and thousands follow the online broadcasting in this annual kirtan festival. In 2009 it started with 2 days of 12 hrs kirtan to this year’s 50hrs of kirtan with leadsingers from Mauritius, Belgium, UK, Hungary, India, USA, Bosnia, and so on. The website of the festival (www. http://radhadeshmellows.com/) was also done by a volunteering youth and a facebook page connected to it. The Radhadesh Mellows festival has also lead to a Kirtan course which is given in the summer period.