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The Banyan Tree (Spain)

'The Banyan Tree' is an exceptional association with a large, highly skilled, highly motivated international membership.  Through various mediums ranging from: yoga, meditation, vegetarian cuisine, music, art, & philosophy to practical hands on organic farming, vegetable,crop & grain growing, we provide essential life-assuring & enhancing skills & training to all age groups, but in particular, the youth, in a  holistic, ethical manner. Many of our members have several years experience working with youth groups across the European continent, participating in many Erasmus funded projects & programmes. 


With a large membership pool of hardworking, experienced & dedicated individuals, 'The Banyan Tree' offers the youth of today an invaluable insight & immersion into fundamental core human values, essential for the cultivation of respect within the multi-cultural society & world we live in.  All our learning-based activities are geared towards progressive, healthy & positive self-development,  social integration and stable, cooperative, community consciousness. We aim to teach each individual the values of: unity in diversity, interdependence and leading by example.  As previously mentioned, we use a variety of tried & tested tools & measures to achieve these noble goals.

Our international membership provides an unrivaled resource within our organizational genre.  A highly experienced Spanish yoga & meditation teacher,  specialist multi-national vegetarian cooks, seasoned & responsible youth workers, avant-garde permaculture gardener & grower, authentically trained Vastu/Feng Shui & Vedic Astrology consultant from the UK, a dedicated Italian cow herdsman 'Il Vacero' represent just some of the human resource bank we currently hold..! In terms of youth mobility, our slogan & motto is simply, yet sublimely:  ''uniting worlds''....

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